Striving for Gold Standard Customer Service at Meggitt Xiamen!

In late 2016 Meggitt Xiamen launched its Customer Service Development Programme (CSDP) supporting our strategic objective of delivering MPS Gold Standard levels of customer service to our internal and external customers. We put together a Customer Service Council comprising of representatives from different functions within the business with the immediate objective of trying to identity what best practice customer service really looks like. We began to develop our plans supporting our vision: ‘We are Meggitt Xiamen and proud to work together to deliver unrivalled performance and service to all of our customers, all of the time’.

One of our initial actions was developing a training programme which involved all of our employees being trained as either; Customer Service Champions, Customer Service Leaders or Customer Service Practitioners depending on their roles within the business. We developed what we call a Customer ‘CARE’ manual outlining the desired behaviours we are looking to instil within our team which quickly developed into a number of CARE related activities including workshops, CARE recognition awards, sharing of CARE best practice and even an inter-Departmental quiz based on CARE principles.

A key element of our Programme is listening to our customers and using feedback to further improve. We have developed our Voice of Customer processes which now include an e-mail address ( which feeds directly into our Management level DLA and created an electronic system to record and track progress of any VOC’s we receive. We have also created metrics which are part of our DLAs for all Customer facing functions.

Encouragingly, we are beginning to see the fruits of our efforts and in 2017 received more formal positive VOCs from our customers than negative and also received 78% favourable feedback from the MXM team on our approach to customer service during the 2017 employee survey.

We haven’t achieved the elusive gold standard yet however are confident we will get there!

Our MXM Customer Service Council (Louis Wang, Christina Luo, Amanda Wang, Pope Cai & Garry Kong)